Monday, May 24, 2010

May 24-28

This is the last week of third grade. (BooHoo)

Please come to the Spring Arts' Night tonight at 7:00. Our performance is at 7:15. Our artwork is displayed in the hall by our classroom and also on our desks. Don't forget to stop by the computer lab and see our power point projects.

Our nature hike is Thursday at 12:30. We'll hike up the Fiddler's Hiking Trail and then stop at Rachel's house and Dax's house for a rest. If it is really hot, we might run through the sprinklers at Josh's house to cool off.

The fourth quarter awards assembly is Friday at 10:00 A.M. School is out on Friday at 2:30.

It has been a great year and I have enjoyed working with your children. Thanks so much for all the volunteer hours that you have put in this year. Thanks to Mrs. Zortman for burning all the DVD's of our classroom movies. Thanks to Mrs. Jensen for playing the piano for us all year long, and we appreciate that she missed part of Tanner's game to play during the Arts' Night. Mrs. Eberhard was so willing to jump in and do whatever needed to be done. There isn't room to thank everyone that helped make this such a wonderful year. My life has been greatly enriched by getting to know each student and their family. Have an excellent summer! Mrs. Bayer

Monday, May 17, 2010

May 17- 21

Spelling words for this week include: didn't, morning, body, car, I'm, cold, drive, walk, weather, said, right, because, does, thought, soon, best, try, several, himself, usually

Vocabulary word for this week and next: brim, mellow, persnickety, compromise, perseverance, motivate, compile

Mr. Macklin will be here each day this week with the "Kid Power" program.

The Iron County Search and Rescue will present their "Hug-a-Tree" program on Monday, and have a rescue dog presentation on Tuesday.

Friday is the reading reward movie. Students must have turned in two reading calendars (buckets) in order to attend. We have 7 students that won't be going to this activity. Another classroom project will be available to those students that won't be attending the movie.

Some things that are happening NEXT WEEK:

Monday: Spring Arts' Night
Tuesday: Field Day
Wednesday: Video Yearbook Day
Thursday: Nature Hike ( We are looking for a nice person to let us stop by and get a drink at their house.)
Friday: Achievement Awards Assembly 2:30P.M. SUMMER VACATION BEGINS

Thursday, May 13, 2010

May 10-14

Spelling words for this week include: five, usually, seen, himself, money, birthday, care, anything, dollars, number, always, kind, paper, however, sure, it's, example, answer, told

Vocabulary words are: glisten, glide, steer, gloomy, entire, tradition, wisdom

If you haven't turned in your $9.00 for your yearbook, please do so soon. The yearbook will be here in less than two weeks. Students, maybe you could do some chores and earn $9.00.

Next week we have Mr. LaMar Macklin as a guest for one hour each day. He does the "Kid Power" program. He will show students how to "Just Say NO" to drugs, alcohol, and bad choices.

We'll still have our regular reading groups all next week.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Solar Root Beer Recipe

1 teaspoon dry yeast
1/2 Cup warm water
2 Tablespoons root beer extract
2 Cups Sugar

Dissolve yeast in 1/2 cup warm water. Fill a one gallon glass jug 1/2 full of warm water. Pour root beer extract on top of sugar. Add 1/2 cup of warm water and dissolve. Pour in yeast and sugar solution. Put lid on loosely. Wrap jar in a dark colored towel and set in the sun for 6 hours.

Monday, May 3, 2010

MAY 3-7

We had the best Banana Split Party on Friday. Thanks so much to everyone that donated food and utensils. Everyone had it "their way". We had enough ice cream that everyone was able to have seconds! Yum! Now keep reading for the entire month of May (twenty minutes each night).

Does anyone have a one gallon glass jar? We need one for one day. We'll return it to you as soon as our science experiment is finished.

Spelling words for this week are: learn, city, toward, point, play, fun, map, please, north, were, which, about, little, children, four, country, ever, young

Vocabulary words are: arrival, stroll, command, banquet, outstanding, peers, amusing

Tuesday is our last day of testing.